Urgent call for solidarity with Mexican anarchists Miguel Peralta Betanzos & Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel Muñoz.

What’s Happening with Yorch?

Yorch is a political prisoner who is facing fabricated criminal charges as a part of an ongoing attack against the “Okupache” squat in Mexico City. He has been locked up in the Reclusorio Oriente since December 2022 and his legal process has been plagued with irregularities and constant attempts to delay the proceedings so as to keep him in prison as long as possible.

Despite the fact that all of the evidence presented during his trial by both his defense and the prosecution proves his innocence, on June 3 – one day after Mexican elections – the judge sentenced Yorch to 7 years and 6 months in prison. His legal defense has filed an appeal, nevertheless this again drags out the process even longer.

What’s Happening with Miguel?

Following a sociopolitical conflict in the community of Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca in 2014, Miguel was arrested in April 2015 on fabricated charges and held for over four years in prison. In October 2019 he was absolved of all charges and released. Over two years later, on March 4, 2022, the Supreme Court of Oaxaca overturned his freedom, resentencing him to 50 years in prison and releasing a warrant for his arrest. Following an appeal to that ruling, the court in Oaxaca ruled to return his legal process back to the testimony stage—setting back his legal process by over seven years. In January of 2024, the Supreme Court of the Nation admitted a challenge to that ruling, and on June 19, 2024, they are scheduled to rule on Miguel’s freedom.

Act! Call! Email! Post!

Organize and agitate in solidarity with Miguel Peralta and Jorge Emilio Esquivel Muñoz to demand their immediate and absolute freedom.

Call or email your nearest Mexican embassy or consulate (see sample text).

Share information about their cases with your friends, family, communities and collectives.

Make graphic art, paintings, stencils, etc. to bring visibility to Miguel and Jorge’s cases.

Source: https://itsgoingdown.org/urgent-call-for-solidarity-with-mexican-anarchists/

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