Belfast Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

As part of this year’s Week of Action with Anarchist Prisoners, a solidarity action took place in central Belfast during the first Belfast Radical Bookfair. The action came during a very successful Radical Bookfair and surrounding events.

Anarchists from around the country with comrades representing Belfast Anarchists, Irish Anarchist Network, Derry Anarchist Collective, North East Anarchist Group, Anarchist Black Cross and also Incarcerated Workers Organising Committee. During the scheduled events participants heard from activists on the need for greater solidarity with anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners.

As part of this work, members of IWOC held a letter writing workshop in which activists discussed and held of the work IWOC is involved in locally and internationally through the Industrial Workers of the World union. Representatives of the Derry Anarchist Collective held a discussion in which they looked at the ongoing work of Anarchist Black Cross locally and the need for Anarchists to make prisoner support an integral part of their day to day activities as anarchists.

“It is vital that the deeply held theoretical positions, activities and actions of mutual aid, solidarity and direct action also embraces those of us, anarchists and antifascists on the inside.” The day drew to a close with a solidarity action to highlight the continued wrongful imprisonment of anarchist, John Paul Wootton and Brendan McConville of the Craigavon Two and to draw attention to the ongoing imprisonment, detention and torture of anarchist activists internationally.


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